52 Things 2020 Edition

  • We previously covered this brilliant list of 52 things learnt for 2019 and 2018.
  • Here is the 2020 edition – full of gems. A few choice examples:
  • Most cities plant only male trees because it’s expensive to clear up the fruit that falls from female trees. Male trees release pollen, and that’s one of the reasons your hay fever is getting worse. 
  • For VC companies in 2004, the average time from first contact to funding was 90 days. Today, it’s just nine days
  • Car safety laws in the US make it more expensive to have three children — women in states with mandated car seats are 0.7% less likely to have a third child. The safety measures may have saved 57 car crash fatalities each year, but caused 145,000 fewer births since 1980.
  • Developing and launching the iPod in 2001 took just 41 weeks, from the very first meeting (no team, no prototype, no design) to iPods shipping to customers.
  • References to each found in the link.
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