Gasoline Use Distribution

  • 10% of US motorists drive 30,000 miles or more and use 32% of all gasoline consumed.
  • This is more than the bottom 60% put together.
  • It is likely they also tend to live in rural areas and drive SUVs/pickup trucks, ubiquitous in those parts of the US.
  • Transitioning these users to EV will be crucial.
  • Source (good article).

Amazon Ads

  • Fascinating development harks back to this.
  • Direct-to-consumer brands moved 20–30% of their marketing dollars in Q4 2022 from Meta to Amazon due to the former’s declining performance metrics for ads. The shift occurred despite a recent reluctance from DTC brand to sell products on Amazon because of limited access to and ownership of sales and customer data—but now that brands are receiving only $2 back for every $1 spent on Meta ads (they used to get $8 back), they are more willing to work with the e-commerce giant. According to Advantage Unified Commerce, an estimated 75% of brands report customer acquisition is cheaper on Amazon than other media channels.”
  • Source (h/t Pipe).

Expert Transcripts by AlphaSense

  • Thanks go out to Stream by AlphaSense for sponsoring Snippet Finance in December.
  • If you haven’t already checked out this excellent expert interview transcripts database (20,000+ and counting), you can grab a free 2-week free trial here (use a business email, name required, and hit the activation link).

52 Things – Tom Whitwell

  • The classic annual list, 2022 edition. Eye opening as usual:
  • 37 per cent of the world’s population, 2.9 billion people, have never used the Internet.
  • 40% of global shipping involves moving fossil and other fuels (oil, gas, wood pellets) around. More renewables (solar, wind, nuclear, geo), means fewer ships.
  • If you want a question answered on the Internet, post a wrong answer first.

TSR across industries

  • Interesting chart from BCG.
  • It looks at TSR (Total Shareholder Return) over a 5-year period (2013-2017) across industries.
  • The median TSR of the top ten companies in each industry was higher than the industry’s median by 9 percentage points (in insurance) and 32 percentage points (in media and publishing as well as metals).
  • The lesson is this: being in a sector whose market performance is below average is no excuse. TSR is a relative—as well as an absolute—metric, so whether an industry is under pressure or accelerating, every company has the opportunity to outperform its peers.”

How to Negotiate

  • Fascinating article based on a Wharton professor’s guide to negotiating for reasonable people.
  • Some of the key points:
  • Leverage – “In general, the person who feels better about “no deal” has the most leverage, and the person that’s less okay with “no deal” has the least leverage.
  • Have specific justifiable goals – preparation is key here.
  • Establish and maintain trust – “If it’s not there, trust is the single biggest obstacle to a good deal.”
  • Get information – “More listening = more leverage.” 
  • Concessions – “Link them with “if…then.” Make sure they recognize you’re giving up something of value so they feel the need to reciprocate.
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