Understanding Value Investing

  • This series is one of the better when it comes to understanding what has gone wrong for value investors.
  • The first looks into whether value is actually cheap.
  • The evidence brings us full circle to Arnott’s observation that the problem with the Value Factor has not been the absolute performance of Value stocksThe problem has been shorting the Glamour stocks“. 
  • The second, propose something very intriguing – “that looking through the lens of optionality reveals that the source of excess returns to factors are not a function of the securities themselves, but rather the rules of portfolio construction and the embedded optionality these rules create
  • The third article is yet to be published.

Portfolio Turnover

  • A long term chart of portfolio turnover for US based mutual funds.
  • 1975 saw a big rise as trading commissions were de-regulated and bid-ask spreads were moved from 1/8th basis.
  • The next 30 years has seen a precipitous decline.
  • NB. Turnover is defined as the lower of the total amount of securities purchased/sold divided by total net asset value of the fund.
  • Source.

Marc Andreessen Interview

  • Brilliant interview with Marc Andreessen.
  • Full of insights on a multitude of topics.
  • On investing he says – “It’s really, really, really hard to be a good poker player. And if you’re kicking yourself every time you have a bad hand, the bad habits just simply happen. You just need to be able to have a system that lets you think through the process…

Working Capital & Covid

  • This is a chart of the working capital of Electrolux since 2003.
  • It shows that the total cash collection cycle has fallen from 63 days in 2003 (a peak of 87) to zero today.
  • This was almost entirely achieved by payable days doubling from 60 to 120.
  • In short the company is squeezing suppliers.
  • What happens after Covid? This excellent blog post addresses this and other impacts.

Football Clubs

  • Interesting report from KPMG on valuation of football clubs.
  • There are actually several listed football clubs – Manchester United, AS Roma, Juventus, Borussia Dortmund, Celtic, Lazio to name a few.
  • Attached is an interesting table showing operating revenue evolution as well as how the revenue split between matchday, broadcasting and commercial has evolved.

Netflix Accounting

  • A good article on accounting at Netflix.
  • In short, it analyses content amortisation accounting and shows that this line item is being understated, boosting earnings.
  • A staggering stat is that Netflix content spend went from $2bn in 2011 to nearly $14bn last year.
  • This might not be relevant for the share price for now but is still worth knowing about.
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