Making Mistakes

  • Making mistakes in investing is normal.
  • One of the better investment books around is exactly about that.
  • A personal favourite was when Stanley Druckenmiller got himself involved in Tech stocks at the top of the dot-com bubble.
  • Druckenmiller knew exactly what he was doing – he just couldn’t stop himself. ‘I bought $6 billion worth of tech stocks, and in six weeks I had lost $3 billion in that one play. You asked me what I learned. I didn’t learn anything. I already knew that I wasn’t supposed to do that. I was just an emotional basketcase and couldn’t help myself. So maybe I learned not to do it again, but I already knew that.‘”

Debt and Crises

  • This chart shows government debt to GDP of the G7 countries.
  • It has been rising steadily and could close in on a record.
  • Charted against this is the percentage of countries that have seen a financial shock over any 12 month period.
  • Interesting to see that financial crises are more frequent in the post-Bretton Woods era, which coincided with rising debt.


  • Value has had a very tough time.
  • This chart shows drawdowns of value vs. growth since 1926.
  • This drawdown is currently at a record -52%. (h/t 361 Capital)
  • In fact the ratio of growth to value has just hit the same level as in 2000 Tech bubble peak (h/t Redburn).
  • Investors are coming out defending the style even after adjusting for the valuation metric issues discussed before.

The Investor Game

  • An interesting post taking a step back and understanding the investment landscape as a game including appreciating the other players and stages of development.
  • Each year around 100,000 new college graduates apply for internships at investment banks. Around 10,000 get a spot. After three years of banking boot camp, roughly 4,000 of these analysts want to become investors. Add in some analysts from management consulting and accounting firms, plus a handful of lawyers, and you get around 6,000 talented candidates interviewing for buy-side positions. About one in six gets a seat. So imagine a new cohort of roughly 1,000 twenty-somethings joining 15,000 existing analysts and portfolio managers at hedge funds, and another 30,000 long-only investors.

How to get your first 1,000 users?

  • This is an inspiring post on how some of the biggest consumer apps acquired their earliest users.
  • Pinterest’s strategy was eye catching and shows real hustle – “We did all kinds of pretty desperate things, honestly. I used to walk by the Apple store on the way home. I’d go in and change all the computers to say Pinterest. Then just kind of stand in the back and be like, “Wow, this Pinterest thing, it’s really blowing up.”
  • Snippet Finance – While we are on this topic, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our subscribers and hope you are enjoying the content. A lot of effort goes into curating and selecting only the most valuable snippets to inform and inspire. The best thing you can do to support the site is spread the word – each of you might have one person you know who could benefit, please do send them a link and tell them about it. Thank you in advance.

Stimulus vs. Covid

  • Interesting chart from Jefferies on the US Economy.
  • They crunched the numbers and found that, because of various bits of stimulus more than offsetting falls in compensation, personal income has actually surged in April.
  • Stimulus is of course front-end loaded and, unless extended, this picture likely fades with time.
  • Nevertheless, it is very interesting to see how strong its impact has been.

Travel Green Shoots?

  • “I am pleased to say, but I would not get overly excited about it, that we have seen nice growth coming into May. And essentially, what we have seen is both growing out green shoots in the areas you would expect, places where movement has become possible, where people can now start to think about their summer holidays, et cetera. We see that very quickly when that happens and cancellations have settled down. They are still at elevated levels, but they have stabilized.” Expedia Q1 2020.
  • “what we are seeing clearly is what you have been hearing that local, regional, domestic is certainly coming back stronger sooner.” Expedia Q1 2020.
  • we are seeing a significant number of hits in searches over the weekend, particularly I think from families looking at going on the two weeks summer holiday from Northern Europe to places in Italy, Spain, Portugal, et cetera.Ryanair Q4 2020 Results.
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