Coffee in China

  • “… the coffee consumption in China … now sits at less than four cups per year, per person, compared to 300 in the US, this is a huge opportunity Starbucks President on the latest Earnings Call.
  • No wonder Starbucks has 4,000 stores in China already with 1,000 more planned for 2020.
  • The word China was mentioned 52 times on the call …

Be careful with Indices

  • This is a great article which shows the danger of looking at the index level when arguing about valuation.
  • At index level Emerging Markets (EM) trade at 12x P/E vs. the US at 17x = attractive right?
  • If you dissect by sector the valuation difference is entirely in domestic focussed sectors (e.g. Financials) and mining/oil & gas.
  • Global facing sectors have very similar valuations.
  • So an investor in emerging markets is basically taking a bet that the former valuations will close … a very different proposition.
  • i.e. you need China Construction Bank to re-rate vs. Bank of America.

WeWork in London

  • WeWork impact is interesting.
  • Morgan Stanley (via FT Alphaville) point out a Savills report (here and here) – if WeWork walked away from every commitment they have in London Offices it would raise the months of supply from 12 to 18.5 (City) and 15 (West End).
  • This is below the 20 months considered over supply.

Short Positions (redux)

  • We previously told you about short positions disclosure.
  • You can actually find daily updated spreadsheets here for the UK.
  • In the file below we use pivot tables to look at short positions by:
  • Stock (Sheet: Pivot Table Company)
  • Fund manager (Sheet: Pivot Table Position Holder)
  • The latter could be helpful for interviews?
  • The table below shows top 10 shorts in September vs. now.
  • Only three names are the same.
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