Realtors Confidence Survey

  • June 2021 survey paints a less than perfect picture.
  • Several metrics indicate that demand is softening although the market is still broadly strong.
  • The REALTORS® Buyer Traffic Index decreased from 77 in May 2021 to 71 (moderately strong conditions) in June 2021.”
  • On average, a home sold had more than 4 offers, slightly lower than the average of 5 offers in last month’s survey.”
  • On top of this inventory (the most important variable for house prices) is starting to bottom seasonally.
  • h/t Calculated Risk.

Savings by Wealth Level

  • This chart disaggregates bank deposit data, using it as a proxy for household savings.
  • The wealthiest 10% of households account for 70% of the increase in savings between Q1 2020 and Q1 2021.
  • Wealthy households have a much lower marginal propensity to consume.
  • This effect, however, is likely to be overpowered by the sheer magnitude of the increase in savings.
  • Source: BCA Research.

EM vs. DM PMIs diverging

  • It is not just Asia which is seeing renewed weakness of manufacturing performance, however, with output in Russia coming close to stagnation again in June as rising virus numbers disrupted the economy, and a further steep fall in output was recorded in Mexico.
  • As a result, while developed world production continued to grow at a rate close to decade-highs in June, emerging market output growth came close to stalling, its lowest since June 2020.
  • Source.
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