Dealer Inventory (repost)

  • US Bonds outstanding continues to grow.
  • However, inventory of bonds at primary dealers has stayed low since the financial crisis.
  • This doesn’t however capture turnover of inventory – which has risen.
  • Overall this still creates a very risky situation in terms of liquidity.
  • Especially problematic now that Bond ETFs have hit $1 trillion.


  • Big interesting read from Spiegel on Italy’s economic sluggishness.
  • A nice ending.
  • In parting, though, this correspondent nevertheless has hope that the Italians will stay true to their legendary talent for mastering crises with grandezza. The Italians have a wonderful saying for painful moments: “Ballando non duole il piede.” Your feet don’t hurt when you’re dancing.”

Labour vs. Profits

  • A great set of charts from Bridgewater Research.
  • The left hand shows how US company profit margins have trended up largely thanks to productivity gains outpacing real wage growth.
  • In other words profits rise because workers are getting paid a smaller share of the output they produce.
  • Part of this is due to wages being driven down globally by the emergence of China (right hand chart).
  • China has seen rising wages outpacing productivity growth and hence companies grabbing a smaller share.
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