Food delivery and competition

  • Brilliant article on the monopolistic power of food delivery businesses especially as they begin to vertically integrate and merge around the world.
  • Losing money to acquire market power, or to steal from investors, is a form of counterfeiting, because it drives honest competitors that have to generate a profit out of the market“.

Rapid Covid Testing

  • There was a lot of excitement about the FDA approving a rapid (15 minute, $5) SARS-CoV-2 test.
  • This is an interesting analysis of when such a test would be useful and when not?
  • In short – if the true infection rate of the population you are testing is very low (<1%) it won’t be useful.
  • Which means using such a test on cruise ships, as some have suggested, won’t work.

The story of ICE

  • A great post about the history of Intercontinental Exchange and its founder Jeffery Sprecher. Its success was based on a few factors.
  • (1) “Sprecher gave away 80% of the company to his customers as an incentive for them to trade at his venue.” 
  • (2) “the company had a lucky break when Enron went bust.”
  • (3) Lots of deals meant diversification especially into oil trading and clearing. 20 deals in the past 15 years. Three criteria drove these – enhance network, new content, turnarounds.
  • It also comes down to three insights – analogue to digital, using regulation as an opportunity and the power of data.


  • A great presentation and separate post about a huge eCommerce business you probably haven’t heard of, founded only in 2015.
  • Its success is down to a team buying feature, social integration, gamification and live streaming.
  • These features have led to a daily active user (DAU) to monthly active user (MAU) ratio, a measure of engagement, of almost 50% – the highest, by some margin, among peers.
  • h/t Benedict Evans.
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