
  • Since 2000, the number of professionals working in the field has tripled, with finance companies paying six figures or those at the top of their game. Manicurists, human resources managers, event planners and massage therapists have all proliferated more quickly (according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics) but compliance officers are not far behind.
  • Source.

Flying is Getting Safer

  • A New MIT study recently found that things keep getting better.
  • The risk of a fatality from commercial air travel was 1 per every 13.7 million passenger boardings globally in the 2018-2022 period — a significant improvement from 1 per 7.9 million boardings in 2008-2017 and a far cry from the 1 per every 350,000 boardings that occurred in 1968-1977, the study finds.
  • This improvement curve has been called “aerial version of Moore’s Law“.
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