- Equities struggle generally when yields are rising AND forward earnings per share (EPS) expectations are falling.
- Source: Oxford Economics.
- This is a very useful resource for tracking what is going on in the Ukraine war.
- Produced by The Institute for Study of War (ISW) it is a daily assessment (see under “Latest”, example here) of the situation on the ground along with a useful map (pictured).
- Here is a video that time lapses all the maps since the invasion began.
- This Substack (written by Lawrence Freedman, Emeritus Professor of War Studies at King’s College) provides some very good analysis of the meta situation.
- One angle that is key to watch for second order thinking is China. This was a really great piece to understand the China angle as was this (arguing that perhaps this crisis could push China back to collective leadership).
- (h/t The Browser).
Fund Management Teams vs. Individuals
Biotech Bearishness
- Fundamentals have been bad in biotech land, something that is reflecting in share prices and IPO performance (XBI has halved since peak).
- Positive news flow among small and mid-cap biotechs, which hit 60% in 2020, has just fallen below 30%.
- “But it’s not just small caps, it’s across the sector: Jefferies’ Michael Yee said of 45 major clinical readouts from large and small players, only 20% were positive.”
- Clinical holds have also spiked – 2022 is off to a bad start (13 holds in 8 weeks) and could surpass the already bad 2021 (>50 vs. 30 average historically.
- The full article offers some explanations of what is going on.
European inflation
- Europe is experiencing an unprecedented surge in producer prices relative to consumer prices.
- This surge is either going to hit margins and profits, or will need to be passed through to consumer prices.
- Source: JPM.
Earnings Sentiment
- Earnings sentiment has taken a big knock in the last two months.
- Source: themarketear.com.
10 1/2 Lessons from Experience by Paul Marshall
Marshall Wace was founded 25 years ago by Ian Wace and Paul Marshall. The firm runs both systematic and fundamental strategies and manages over $55bn. It is famous for running the TOPS alpha capture system which polls investment ideas from the sell-side.
Last year Sir Paul Marshall penned 10 1/2 lessons from Experience, Perspectives on Fund Management. This little book brilliantly boils down nearly 35 years of investing and, even more importantly, business experience. Although it is absolutely worth reading in full (and takes no time), I thought a nice summary would help highlight these fantastic insights.
Lesson 1: Real markets are inefficient. There is a great disconnect between how academics (from Walras to Fama) view financial markets, as largely efficient, and their true nature, characterised by fat tails (as described by Mandelbrot) and reflexivity (Soros’ idea that prices influence fundamentals).
Lesson 2: People are deeply fallible. “Their perspective is bound to be either biased or inconsistent or both”. This is to say people are prone to behavioural biases like being too optimistic, viewing abnormal events as reverting to historic patterns, being overconfident, anchoring to initial information, and seeing all new evidence as confirmation of beliefs.
When combined together, these biases lead to a fragile system as described by the Minsky cycle. Periods of stability sow the seeds for future bouts of instability. This is a recognisable and predictable pattern of human behaviour and exploited for example by Marathon’s capital cycle investing philosophy.
Lesson 3: Investment skill is measurable and persistent. “We have found that the most important ratio for digging below the surface is the success ratio – the percentage of winning trades – the Americans call it the ‘batting average’”. A truly great manager will have a success ratio of 55% i.e. you can be wrong 45% of the time.
Is there a feature common among these great managers? “Perhaps above all they have to be resilient.” All managers have bad periods and no manager (apart from Druckenmiller) has not had at least one bad year. Interestingly, they find that the reddest flag of underperformance in TOPS are problems at home.
Lesson 4: In the short term the market is a voting machine, in the long term it is a weighing machine. The voting side is best understood by Keynes who said – “successful investing is anticipating the anticipation of others”. The weighing machine side is the domain of fundamental analysis. This demarcation is the reason Marshall Wace runs both systematic and fundamental strategies.
Lesson 5: “The greatest opportunities always occur around change”. This is embodied in the idea of “valuation with a catalyst”. Valuation is a story and catalysts make that story complete. Markets love stories. Quality investing is the opposite of this form of investing.
These approaches are not mutually exclusive – “the best that can be said today is that the market is not good at predicting competitive advantage periods and frequently errs in both underestimating and overestimating the speed of change”. One way to take advantage of this is to scrutinise industry structures and sector level dynamics – because “not enough investors do it”.
Lesson 6: Concentration and Diversification. Concentration requires a high win/loss ratio, no position can be sleeping. Diversification’s advantages are mathematically proven. It is hard to reconcile these at an individual portfolio level but at the business/client level one can hold a diversified portfolio of concentrated portfolios.
Lesson 7: Shorts are different to longs. Alpha is easier to generate on the long side. Shorts are hard because they cost money to hold, involve competition in the borrowing market against other hedge funds, depend widely on regime (bull markets last 7 years, bear markets 1.5), and in theory have unlimited losses.
Shorts also see a rapidly falling Sharpe ratio as they go in your favour (financial leverage increases and they get more crowded) but increasing position size if they go against you. Good shorts are often a combination of weak or deteriorating growth, poor industry structure, regulatory pressure, dodgy accounting, and weak and deteriorating balance sheets.
Lesson 8: Machines are getting better and better especially as the amount of data balloons. Marshall Wace process 7.5 petabytes of data per day, which they expect to rise to 20 in three years. But machines aren’t good in crisis nor paradigm shifts nor at picking sectors. So there will always be room for humans but they need to adapt to use machines along side them.
Lesson 9: Risk management is key – you need to hold a prudential margin to protect against the “unknown unknowns”. How? (1) Use leverage but limit it (Marshall Wace runs a max gross of 400%, vs 700-800% for peers) and (2) Watch liquidity (they never own more than 5% of any stock). “Never be in a position where a stock owns you”.
Lesson 10: Size matters. Though one needs $350m to breakeven in a hedge fund these days, the temptation to get very big is high. Size leads to non-linearly scaling trading costs and huge liquidity footprints. They found that most good managers can deliver strong alpha up to $1bn of capital, very few can do so persistently above $3bn.
Lesson 10 1/2: Most fund management careers end in failure. This relates mainly to character. On the one hand there is dealing with downside – it is very hard to be wrong even 45% of the time. Decision making freezes up.
On the other is hubris. Ancient Rome had a good approach to hubris. A winning general would be given a huge parade on his return. At the end of it the general would ride in a chariot to the centre of Rome. In his chariot he would be accompanied by an ‘Auriga’ (a slave with gladiator status) who would whisper in the general’s ear – “memento Mori”, remember you are mortal.
Inflation Impact
- The price shock is already starting to lead to changing consumption patterns.
- h/t Daily Shot.
New AI Companies
- Did not expect to see the number of newly founded AI firms actually peak in 2018.
- This is despite private investment hitting a huge record in 2021.
- Perhaps a sign of concentration/winner takes all dynamic forming.
- Source.
- “Below, we can see the number of acclaimed scientists (in blue) and artists (in red), divided by the effective population (total human population with the education and access to contribute to these fields).”
- Full data source. h/t Astral Codex
Non-Traditional VC Investors
- These investors – corporate VC funds, hedge funds, PE firms and sovereign wealth funds – have slowly been taking over.
- In a way this is hot money and it will be interesting to see how it behaves in a downturn.
Sustainable Infrastructure
- Beautiful read about Kyoto, Japan and the idea of building for the very long term.
- In 1610, a single family (Suminokura) decided to build a canal connecting the port of Fishimi to central Kyoto.
- The article talks about how powerful this decision was – the weight efficiency ratio increased 22.5x, the agricultural footprint was a fraction (no need to feed all those ponies), and there was no noise or other pollution. The list goes on.
- Building should be for the long term – for example did you know that the cobble stone streets of Copenhagen haven’t been resurfaced in 500 years.
Venture Landscape
- Thoughtful analysis of the venture landscape given the current state of public markets from Redpoint ventures.
- The background is – public high performing SaaS firm valuations have fallen below their 10 year average now (see chart).
- Past public market corrections led to 10 quarters of decline in venture dollars invested of varying severity. The great recession, for example, saw a 30% fall.
- “Currently many companies in private markets (particularly at late stage) are in “price discover” mode in fundraises with everyone trying to figure out market price – rounds are taking longer to get done and “willingness to pay” spreads are wide“
Recession Watching
- New home sales is a great variable to watch for recessions.
- “When the YoY change in New Home Sales falls about 20%, usually a recession will follow.”
- Any Fed tightening cycles that cause recessions show up here first.
- There are exceptions to this rule – usually due to strong spending on defence or non-residential investment holding the economy up. The pandemic also distorted the series.
- Currently this indicator isn’t flashing red.
Roelof Botha of Sequoia
- Great profile of Roelof Botha, one of three Sequoia partners who steward the firm.
- He is also the man behind the firm’s latest transformation – into effectively a permanent capital vehicle investing cross the company life-cycle whether private or public.
The Technology Bribe
- “Nearly 50 years ago, long before smartphones and social media, the social critic Lewis Mumford put a name to the way that complex technological systems offer a share in their benefits in exchange for compliance.“
- This “bribe” makes it clear that “this is not an offer of a gift but of a deal“
- “the bargain we are being asked to ratify takes the form of a magnificent bribe.”
- A fascinating theory and tool to understand the current world.
- “The danger, however, was that “once one opts for the system no further choice remains.”
Inflation and Value Investing
- Value, on average and generally, performs well during inflationary periods.
- This relationship goes back far.
- Source and Data explanation.
- Ever wondered what suppliers or manufacturers a company or product uses.
- ImportYeti is a search engine that uses bill of landings data for all US imports.
- Useful for investment or other types of research.
Venture Value and Public Markets
- Venture Capital (VC) deals are not immune to public market wobbles.
- This has already started to happen.
Pharma Pipelines
- Credit Suisse analyse how unique the pipelines of major pharmaceutical companies are.
- LLY, ROG, SAN come out on top.