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Hedge funds have had a love affair with expensive stocks since early 2020. They have massively boosted their holdings of stocks trading >10x EV/Sales. These currently represent a third of US equity hedge fund long portfolios in aggregate. Such stocks are 23% of the Russel 3000 market cap. h/t themarketear .
70% of American’s including 50% of Republicans support a carbon tax.
Big tech powers startups. Using real spending data the top vendors are AWS, Intuit, G suite, and Slack. Interestingly Q3 2021 saw the rise of Google Ads to second place. Other vendors are largely consistent over time. Source: SVB, AngelList State of US Venture Report .
Two years ago we posted about Europe’s attempt to challenge US tech dominance in cloud computing. Predictably it has struggled . “In conversations with POLITICO, more than a dozen industry and government officials involved with the work of Gaia-X said the project was struggling to get off the ground amid infighting between corporate members, disagreement over its overall aims and a bloated bureaucratic structure that is delaying decisions. One industry official closely involved in the work of Gaia-X called it a “mess.” “
China has a very low personal tax rate.
The European Central Bank (ECB) owns a large share of government bonds across Europe.
Analysis from Volvo that echoes what VW put out a few years ago. Even if you assume 100% renewable electricity, an electric Volvo XC40 needs to drive 49,000 km before it emits less CO2 than a petrol version. The figure rises to 110,000 km if you use the current global electricity mix.
Intriguing review of latest book on the Silicon Valley legend . The book “does an excellent job of unpicking the disparate elements of the Thiel mythology” From trying to get out of his early Facebook investment as fast as he could, including trying to convince Zuckerberg to sell to Yahoo for $1bn. To his failed anti-college scholarships. Absolutely worth a read.
Latest 2020 census in China has painted a worrying picture. The working age population is declining faster than expected by models. Source: Gavekal .
Building on the antilibrary this essay explores the idea that collecting has been killed by the evolution of the digital world. A lot to be said for collecting and arranging books on a book shelf. Perhaps the rise of NFTs can bring at least one element of collecting back.
Inflation is eroding real incomes, at almost the same rate it did in the 1970s.
Launching into space is in a new bull market. Likely helped by falling costs .
American’s trust small business and the military above all other institutions, especially Congress. Source: BCA Research .
This rate has fallen to historic lows – a supportive and key variable for housing construction.
US homebuilder market is really fragmented – the top 10 represent only 30.4% of the market. Though this number has been rising for years.
Fiat money era has led to a spectacular debt binge. A great long-term chart from Deutsche .
Collection Disney World maps through the years. “This enormous land parcel is also unique in that it’s a kind of self-governing municipality , with its own fire department and emergency services. The district—officially known as the Reedy Creek Improvement District—is governed by a five-person Board of Supervisors elected by the landowners in the district. As a result, high-level Disney employees essentially run the entire region encompassing WDW. “The area is so vast that “The Magic Kingdom parking lot, for example, is actually larger than the theme park itself. ”
Useful and interesting chart on what consumers want from and are willing to pay for, digital ad supported services. Source: PwC .
Debt is becoming less and less productive, in terms of units of GDP added. Great analysis from Hoisington on the topic.
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