Barry Diller Interview

  • Worth listening to Barry Diller on the picture right now.
  • Barry acquired Expedia right after 9/11. Saying “where there is life there is travel“.
  • He described today as cataclysmic, no sharp reversal and not being analogous to 09 or 9/11.
  • Diller spoke of advertising as particularly hit as of Q2.
  • Expedia (he is chairman) typically spends $5bn per year on advertising but revenues at zero it will be lucky to be $1bn this year.
  • On that topic this is a good article describing what is happening at GOOG and FB in terms of advertising.
  • Despite their strong positions and likelihood to gain share things are looking bad.

Chinese Economic Activity

  • Interestingly surveys suggest Chinese consumers are cautious despite lifting of the lockdown.
  • A Morgan Stanley online survey of 2019 consumers in 19 provinces last week found that while most respondents—86%—were leaving the house for work, most were still reluctant to go out to shop, eat or socialize. And 69% said they would go out for essentials only, down from 75% in early March—still extremely high.” (Source: WSJ).
  • The chart below is also interesting showing how activity across a set of indicators has fared so far in China post the lunar new year as the country opens up.
  • In short – activity will take some time to recover.
  • Could the same be the case in other countries?

Remdesivir Update

  • Remdesivir, an antiviral, is one of the leading drugs in development for COVID-19.
  • Recent published cohort analysis was supportive.
  • In this cohort of patients hospitalized for severe Covid-19 who were treated with compassionate-use remdesivir, clinical improvement was observed in 36 of 53 patients (68%).
  • Crucial to understand the limitations of this data – the need for a randomised placebo controlled trial.
  • Gilead’s (GILD) CEO Daniel O’Day in an open letter expresses this.
  • These trials are ongoing with results coming in end of April/May.
  • While it may feel like a long wait for data given the urgency of the situation, it has been only two months since the first clinical trials began. Given that it can take a year or more to have the first clinical data for an investigational treatment, it is remarkable that we expect to have the first remdesivir trial data so soon.” 
  • The latest buzz from Chicago is also just a snapshot and drawing conclusions is “scientifically unsound“.
  • We will have to wait – but not long.

Sector Composition of SPX

  • Long run (1974-2020) chart of sector composition of the S&P 500 index.
  • Energy is just 3% of the S&P down from 26% in 1980s.
  • Financials have also shrunk from 22% to 11%.
  • Interestingly IT is now 25% from 33% at the peak.
  • However, we need to add Communication Services (10% today) – which puts it above peak.


  • Microsoft is seeing an explosion of usage across their cloud product suites – this is expected.
  • Interestingly they are rather selective with the data they provide.
  • This includes making a mistake in a recent post:
  • We have seen a 775 percent increase of our cloud services in regions that have enforced social distancing or shelter in place orders.
  • We have seen a 775 percent increase in Teams’ calling and meeting monthly users in a one month period in Italy, where social distancing or shelter in place orders have been enforced.
  • That is a big difference.
  • They also put out press saying video calling on Teams was +1000% in March – yet without an absolute figure or comparison this isn’t that meaningful.
  • There is no doubt Teams is growing – now up to 44m daily average users (DAU) from 20m in November 2019.
  • However, as Slack CEO points out (and he would) – this is only 20% of Office 365 users.

Dividend Futures

  • The dividend futures market has been crushed.
  • This chart (from ML) on the left shows the futures curve for S&P 500 dividends compared to 2019.
  • The blue line is how the market looked at the top (21st Jan 2020) and the orange how it looks today.
  • The market is pricing in -42% in dividends by 2021.
  • The right hand side shows the situation in 2008 – the actual reality (dark orange line) was far better.

Covid Impact 8 – BofA

  • March was really different each week. From the beginning of March to the end of March, the amount of money that flowed through the company by our consumers went from around $60 billion a week to $mid-40 billion a week and that can bounce around depending on the week runs and where it is in the monthly cycle. But you saw it slow down.” Bank of America CEO

Tracking Retail Money

  • Robinhood is the popular (read free) though glitchy trading app.
  • Robintrack is a service that tracks the number of Robinhood users that hold a particular stock over time against the share price.
  • Pictured below are the shares of Carnival Cruises, which have collapsed due to coronavirus. Yet retail investors have been buying.
  • Something similar but less informative exists for the UK – Top of the Stocks at Hargreaves Lansdown.


  • Interesting slide pack from Vodafone about how digital is transforming their business.
  • The figure shows their goals – the virus impact likely accelerates this change and the cost savings are massive.
  • Getting digital to 40% of sales channels could save on the €2.5bn spent on commissions per year.
  • Less than one human interaction per year by next year could cut into the €1.2bn spent on customer operating costs.
  • VOD also built the Dreamlab app – which connects mobile phones during the night to a powerful network to aid research.

Ad tracking

  • Apple have taken a big step – entirely banning third-party cookies in Safari browsers by default.
  • This is the final step since introducing Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) which started to severely restrict cookies.
  • This could have serious ramifications for online advertising businesses but likely strengthens the big giants – FB and GOOG.
  • Other browsers are likely to follow suit (likely MSFT new improved Edge browser).

Covid Impact 7 – Mobility

  • A cool dataset from Google on community mobility due to COVID-19.
  • Just type in your country.
  • Similar to Foursquare data.
  • The one for UK is interesting. Figure shows Greater London.
  • Probably the starting point for this.
  • In the end Covid could prove to be a huge boon for analysis. The level of data generated is unprecedented.
  • It is also arguably the closest we have come to macro-level natural experiment – an economists dream.
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