Product Market Fit

  • “I came across this guy, Sean Ellis. Now, Sean ran growth in the early days at Dropbox, LogMeIn, and Eventbrite. He even coined the term “growth hacker.” Now Sean found a leading indicator of product to market fit, one that is benchmarked and predictive. Just ask your users this. How would you feel if you could no longer use the product? And measure the percent who answer, very disappointed. After benchmarking hundreds of startups, Sean found that the companies that struggle to grow always get less than 40% very disappointed. The companies that grow most easily almost always get more than 40%, very disappointed. In other words, if more than 40% of your users would be very disappointed without your product, you have initial product to market fit. Now, this metric turns out to be more objective than a feeling. It predicts success better than net promoter score, and it’s not only the best way to measure product to market fit”
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