
  • Really great article on Sony and their current CEO – Kenichiro Yoshida.
  • This was a nice quote about the CEO – Yoshida’s humility is expressed through curiosity. “He came to me and said, ‘Let’s talk about medical things,’ and we met for dinner,” said Toru Katsumoto, who heads Sony’s medical business and research and development, of their first meeting. “I spoke about medical imaging and tried to explain the technology as simply as possible, but he had read a lot before we met. I was surprised and impressed. Once or twice a month, we have a face-to-face meeting and we exchange ideas freely.”
  • The big thing about Sony today is the analogy with Microsoft – “A lot of what Nadella did was capitulate and say, ‘This is where we are now and this is what we are going to do,’ rather than chasing the glories of the past.
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