US Government R&D spending

  • Over the past six decades, US government spending on R&D has steadily declined as a percentage of total federal spending (outlays) and GDP.
  • This has occurred while other countries sped ahead.
  • Because of this the government’s role has diminished – from funding 66.8% of all R&D spending in 1964 to just 21.9% in 2018.


  • A great presentation and separate post about a huge eCommerce business you probably haven’t heard of, founded only in 2015.
  • Its success is down to a team buying feature, social integration, gamification and live streaming.
  • These features have led to a daily active user (DAU) to monthly active user (MAU) ratio, a measure of engagement, of almost 50% – the highest, by some margin, among peers.
  • h/t Benedict Evans.

Patent Power

  • An interactive table of the tech world’s most valuable patent portfolios.
  • This chart shows the top 20 companies overall. Clicking through it’s possible to rank by industry.
  • Usual suspects at the top but interesting to see companies like Cirrus Logic and Sonos making it.
  • For an explanation of how the Pipeline Power score – which takes into account the value rather than the raw quantity of patents in a portfolio – is derived click here.
  • NB Sadly the data is slightly dated (from 2017) but likely still very relevant.

CMA Report on Online Market

  • CMA have published an in-depth report on competition in online platforms and digital advertising in the UK.
  • The dominance of these platforms is clear – as the chart shows Google has market power in the entire vertical chain which takes 35p for every £1 of advertising spend.
  • Lots of interesting charts inside – some to come in future snippets.

DARPA and Innovation

  • It helps to study organisations that have been innovating consistently.
  • One such organisation is DARPA.
  • Since 1958, it has been a driving force in the creation of weather satellites, GPS, personal computers, modern robotics, the Internet, autonomous cars, and voice interfaces, to name a few.
  • This fascinating and thorough article, or more precisely a self describe “collection of atomic notes”, attempts to explain why DARPA works in search of creating a private sector funded “ARPA”.
  • The section on program managers is worth a look as the characteristics described there are also those that make good investment analysts.

UK Online Nation Report

  • Comprehensive report with loads of stats on “what people in the UK are doing online, how they are served by online content providers and platforms, and their experiences of using the internet, alongside business models and industry trends.
  • 71% of all online time is spent on mobiles now, yet half of over 75 year olds don’t use the internet at all.
  • 39% of online time by adults was spent on Google or Facebook owned sites, and these two control 79% of UK online ad revenue.

Artificial Intelligence

  • This dataset tracks the flow of talent in AI around the world.
  • The chart shows the top 25 institutions for AI research.
  • “The United States has a large lead over all other countries in top-tier AI research, with nearly 60% of top-tier researchers working for American universities and companies. The US lead is built on attracting international talent, with more than two-thirds of the top-tier AI researchers working in the United States having received undergraduate degrees in other countries.”

Passion Economy & Disruption

  • An insightful post about how the passion economy will disrupt traditional competitors.
  • Passion economy is the ability of “new digital platforms enable people to earn a livelihood in a way that highlights their individuality.
  • Disruption happens as “these workers can develop new products/services that serve previous non-consumers and over-served consumers. This means that across different industries, new Passion Economy platforms have the potential to disrupt incumbents.
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