Netflix Accounting

  • A good article on accounting at Netflix.
  • In short, it analyses content amortisation accounting and shows that this line item is being understated, boosting earnings.
  • A staggering stat is that Netflix content spend went from $2bn in 2011 to nearly $14bn last year.
  • This might not be relevant for the share price for now but is still worth knowing about.

Making Mistakes

  • Making mistakes in investing is normal.
  • One of the better investment books around is exactly about that.
  • A personal favourite was when Stanley Druckenmiller got himself involved in Tech stocks at the top of the dot-com bubble.
  • Druckenmiller knew exactly what he was doing – he just couldn’t stop himself. ‘I bought $6 billion worth of tech stocks, and in six weeks I had lost $3 billion in that one play. You asked me what I learned. I didn’t learn anything. I already knew that I wasn’t supposed to do that. I was just an emotional basketcase and couldn’t help myself. So maybe I learned not to do it again, but I already knew that.‘”

How to get your first 1,000 users?

  • This is an inspiring post on how some of the biggest consumer apps acquired their earliest users.
  • Pinterest’s strategy was eye catching and shows real hustle – “We did all kinds of pretty desperate things, honestly. I used to walk by the Apple store on the way home. I’d go in and change all the computers to say Pinterest. Then just kind of stand in the back and be like, “Wow, this Pinterest thing, it’s really blowing up.”
  • Snippet Finance – While we are on this topic, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our subscribers and hope you are enjoying the content. A lot of effort goes into curating and selecting only the most valuable snippets to inform and inspire. The best thing you can do to support the site is spread the word – each of you might have one person you know who could benefit, please do send them a link and tell them about it. Thank you in advance.

Apple and Intel

  • It has long been rumoured that Apple is going to boot Intel out of the next generation of Mac computers.
  • These rumours are now suggesting this will be next year.
  • In 2006 Apple sold 5.5m Macs against 226m PCs.
  • In 2019 Apple sold 275m iOS devices of which 20m are Macs against a 250m PC market.
  • Apple, and ARM, on which its CPU designs are based, has scale now.

Google Shopping

  • This is a really interesting post.
  • It is from Stratechary – a must read for anyone interested in tech.
  • Google is now making Google Shopping free.
  • This is a move aimed squarely at Amazon.
  • A survey in 2019 of nearly 5000 people showed that 49% of product searches start on Amazon. For Prime members who are frequent users this figure is closer to 80%.
  • Google is notching up the competition.
  • Shopify, which Ben points out is a key member of this anti-amazon alliance, is also launching an app of their own to showcase the nearly 1m merchants using the platform.

Online dating during lockdown

  • Interesting chart from Match Group, the online dating powerhouse.
  • It shows change in daily average messages sent across their dating platforms (left hand side) and Tinder swipes (right hand side).
  • You can see after an initial dip there was a spike during the lockdown, especially among those under 30 and female.

Innovation Lockdown

  • One of consequences of the lockdown, as Ben Evans writes, is that it is a forced experiment.
  • Many things are forced to change and it creates lots of opportunities especially in the way people work together.
  • tens of thousands of software engineers are cooped up at home getting frustrated with their current tools and wondering if they can spot some pain point, or mechanic, or small difference to the flow, and solve some opportunity that no-one ever quite realised was there.
  • Success can happen even if things look entrenched. The anecdote about Dropbox is telling – everyone told Drew Houston ‘there are dozens of these already’ and he kept replying ‘yes, but which ones do you use?’
  • There are already some interesting new ideas in the chat app market.

Barry Diller Interview

  • Worth listening to Barry Diller on the picture right now.
  • Barry acquired Expedia right after 9/11. Saying “where there is life there is travel“.
  • He described today as cataclysmic, no sharp reversal and not being analogous to 09 or 9/11.
  • Diller spoke of advertising as particularly hit as of Q2.
  • Expedia (he is chairman) typically spends $5bn per year on advertising but revenues at zero it will be lucky to be $1bn this year.
  • On that topic this is a good article describing what is happening at GOOG and FB in terms of advertising.
  • Despite their strong positions and likelihood to gain share things are looking bad.


  • Microsoft is seeing an explosion of usage across their cloud product suites – this is expected.
  • Interestingly they are rather selective with the data they provide.
  • This includes making a mistake in a recent post:
  • We have seen a 775 percent increase of our cloud services in regions that have enforced social distancing or shelter in place orders.
  • We have seen a 775 percent increase in Teams’ calling and meeting monthly users in a one month period in Italy, where social distancing or shelter in place orders have been enforced.
  • That is a big difference.
  • They also put out press saying video calling on Teams was +1000% in March – yet without an absolute figure or comparison this isn’t that meaningful.
  • There is no doubt Teams is growing – now up to 44m daily average users (DAU) from 20m in November 2019.
  • However, as Slack CEO points out (and he would) – this is only 20% of Office 365 users.


  • Interesting slide pack from Vodafone about how digital is transforming their business.
  • The figure shows their goals – the virus impact likely accelerates this change and the cost savings are massive.
  • Getting digital to 40% of sales channels could save on the €2.5bn spent on commissions per year.
  • Less than one human interaction per year by next year could cut into the €1.2bn spent on customer operating costs.
  • VOD also built the Dreamlab app – which connects mobile phones during the night to a powerful network to aid research.

Ad tracking

  • Apple have taken a big step – entirely banning third-party cookies in Safari browsers by default.
  • This is the final step since introducing Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) which started to severely restrict cookies.
  • This could have serious ramifications for online advertising businesses but likely strengthens the big giants – FB and GOOG.
  • Other browsers are likely to follow suit (likely MSFT new improved Edge browser).
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