Tech Salaries

  • Meet – they collect actual like for like data on salaries, benefits, levels etc. for the US tech industry.
  • They use this to help people negotiate salaries (how they monetise).
  • Levels recently published a report for 2021 that has some fascinating data (h/t The Diff).
  • The table attached shows entry level engineer salaries.
  • Lots of other interesting stats – comp has been rising (generally highest entry-level salaries are growing +3.4% annualised since 2019) and the Bay Area still wins (40% higher than LA for example).

Prediction Markets

  • Google has been running an internal prediction market – Gleangen, and Astral Codex Ten has a great write up on the topic.
  • This is the second iteration of such a market (the first was called Prophit).
  • Google claims that anyone can now build a prediction market on Google Cloud.
  • Prediction markets are fascinating as a tool but have struggled to get really big and more importantly to solve the three key issues (real money, easy to use, easy to create own markets).
  • Metaculus is a community dedicated to making accurate predictions (they have a great resource page) as is Manifold. Neither use real money.
  • Kalshi is a new startup ($30m of funding) that is trying to make events into an asset class via a real money prediction market. As is Futuur.
  • Polymarket, the biggest such market in the US, was recently fined and forced to shut down in the US (it remains open elsewhere).
  • There are a few others as well.

Nike Amazon Searches

  • This is a testament to the power of Amazon as the start of product searches, as well as the recognition of Nike’s brand.
  • Despite Nike stopping selling any products directly on Amazon, its search rank on Amazon has not changed.
  • From the always excellent Marketplaces Pulse – Market Places Year in Review 2021.

Trained by AI

  • You probably know, AlphaGo, the 2016 AI program that dominated the game of Go.
  • Soon after, a software implementation called Leela was made available, to train human Go players.
  • Data from 750k Go moves from 1,200+ players between 2015-2019 shows a significant improvement in move quality – especially among younger players (see chart) who are likely more open to learn from Leela.
  • Source: State of AI report (an excellent slide deck!).


  • Starship, the fully reusable rocket under development by SpaceX, is a revolution the industry grossly under-appreciates. So goes this fascinating blog post.
  • Starship matters. It’s not just a really big rocket, like any other rocket on steroids. It’s a continuing and dedicated attempt to achieve the “Holy Grail” of rocketry, a fully and rapidly reusable orbital class rocket that can be mass manufactured. It is intended to enable a conveyor belt logistical capacity to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) comparable to the Berlin Airlift.
  • Consider the two critical metrics: Dollars per tonne ($/T) and tonnes per year (T/year) … Starship is intended to reach numbers as low as $1m/T and 1000 T/year for cargo soft landed on the Moon. Apollo achieved about $2b/T and 2 T/year for cargo soft landed on the Moon.
  • It is developing in leaps – “Two years ago Starship was a design concept and a mock up. Today it’s a 95% complete prototype that will soon fly to space and may even make it back in one piece.

E-Commerce Sales Share

  • Counter to the prevailing narrative – e-commerce hasn’t seen a step change and is almost exactly where a 10-year trend line would have predict it would be as a share of total retail in the US.
  • The reason for this is that total retail sales has grown strongly (+13% vs. normally being +2-3%). In absolute terms, shoppers spent $204bn on e-commerce in Q3 2021 but the pre-pandemic trend would have predicted $183bn.
  • h/t NZS Capital and Marketplace Pulse.

SaaS Unlocks Software Use

  • Latest annual presentation is out from Benedict Evans.
  • Absolutely worth a look as it nicely covers macro and strategic trends from the tech industry.
  • This chart shows how software as a service (SaaS) has pushed up the amount of software companies can use (as there is no need to get IT to install/support/configure new applications).
  • The move to cloud delivery for software has miles to go (it is just 10-15% of enterprise IT spend and 20-30% of workloads).


  • COBOL is the programming language that underpins the entire financial system.
  • Over 80% of in-person transactions at U.S. financial institutions use COBOL. Fully 95% of the time you swipe your bank card, there’s COBOL running somewhere in the background.
  • The second most valuable asset in the United States — after oil — is the 240 billion lines of COBOL
  • The language is old (from the 1960s) and runs on huge machines (mainframes), yet it is extremely suited to the task of processing billions of transactions very fast.
  • A fascinating read.

European Cloud (update)

  • Two years ago we posted about Europe’s attempt to challenge US tech dominance in cloud computing.
  • Predictably it has struggled.
  • In conversations with POLITICO, more than a dozen industry and government officials involved with the work of Gaia-X said the project was struggling to get off the ground amid infighting between corporate members, disagreement over its overall aims and a bloated bureaucratic structure that is delaying decisions. One industry official closely involved in the work of Gaia-X called it a “mess.”

Peter Thiel

  • Intriguing review of latest book on the Silicon Valley legend.
  • The book “does an excellent job of unpicking the disparate elements of the Thiel mythology”
  • From trying to get out of his early Facebook investment as fast as he could, including trying to convince Zuckerberg to sell to Yahoo for $1bn.
  • To his failed anti-college scholarships.
  • Absolutely worth a read.
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