
  • An investigation by Reuters suggests China is using “gray-zone” warfare to subdue Taiwan via military exhaustion.
  • The risk of conflict is now at its highest level in decades. PLA aircraft are flying menacingly towards airspace around Taiwan almost daily, sometimes launching multiple sorties on the same day. Since mid-September, Chinese warplanes have flown more than 100 of these missions, according to a Reuters compilation of flight data drawn from official statements by Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense.” 
  • Something to watch carefully.

JPM Outlook 2021

  • Good outlook piece by JPM Asset Management.
  • Some amazing stats on the state of US federal finance – debt levels are about to hit World War II peaks (as % of GDP), and the projected 2020 deficit (at 16% of GDP) is the largest since 1945.
  • This interesting chart shows the fall in the corporate effective tax rate for large cap stocks over the years.
  • Under Biden’s plan – which will raise $2.2trn by raising and broadening corporate taxes (vs. $700bn Trump corporate tax cuts) – this trend could reverse (costing 10% of S&P EPS).
  • Lots of other interesting observations inside.

PMIs and Containment

  • Interesting chart plotting global PMI (green line) against an index of containment (orange line, degree to which economies are locked up).
  • This index eased from a peak of 64 in April to 32 in September, helping PMIs rise.
  • In October it has started to rise to 35, and throughout has remained higher than what was expected a few months ago (dashes) – it should have been 18 by now.
  • Suggests PMIs could start to weaken again?

Misleading Chart – Intangible Asset Edition

  • First Snippet Blog article points the finger at the pictured chart.
  • The chart depicts the rise of intangible assets in firm value described as a “second industrial revolution”, burying with it traditional analysis, accounting, value investing and lending support to ESG.
  • By digging into the definition and associated formula, the article argues this chart is in fact just showing the rise in valuation across firms as measured by Price to Tangible Book.
  • By framing the problem in the first way one assumes a single explanation for the rise – intangible assets, itself an ambiguous word, when the intellectually honest way should be to frame it in the second way, which leaves the question open.
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