Very Long Term Real Rates

  • Bank of England have done a big long term study of real interest rates.
  • Paints a picture of ‘suprasecular‘ decline.
  • Against their long‑term context, currently depressed sovereign real rates are in fact converging ‘back to historical trend’ — a trend that makes narratives about a ‘secular stagnation’ environment entirely misleading, and suggests that — irrespective of particular monetary and fiscal responses — real rates could soon enter permanently negative territory.

RICS Survey for UK

  • December post-election RICS survey was rather positive.
  • JPM write via AlphavilleThe RICS survey, which was post election, “showed a marked and regionally broad-based improvement in its forward looking questions,” says JP Morgan Cazenove. “The expected prices balance leapt from 1 to 23, expected sales shot up from 13 to 31 and new buyer enquiries surged from -5 to 17. These are comfortably the highest levels reported since before the referendum and, in one reading, have swung from below to above their long-run averages.
  • Full charts in the link.

Causes of US Recessions

  • Great table from GS Research showing the main causes of US Recessions since World War I.
  • “A review of the last century of US recessions highlights five major causes: industrial shocks and inventory imbalances; oil shocks; inflationary overheating that leads to aggressive rate hikes; financial imbalances and asset price crashes; and fiscal tightening.”
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