Portfolio Turnover

  • A long term chart of portfolio turnover for US based mutual funds.
  • 1975 saw a big rise as trading commissions were de-regulated and bid-ask spreads were moved from 1/8th basis.
  • The next 30 years has seen a precipitous decline.
  • NB. Turnover is defined as the lower of the total amount of securities purchased/sold divided by total net asset value of the fund.
  • Source.

Marc Andreessen Interview

  • Brilliant interview with Marc Andreessen.
  • Full of insights on a multitude of topics.
  • On investing he says – “It’s really, really, really hard to be a good poker player. And if you’re kicking yourself every time you have a bad hand, the bad habits just simply happen. You just need to be able to have a system that lets you think through the process…

Working Capital & Covid

  • This is a chart of the working capital of Electrolux since 2003.
  • It shows that the total cash collection cycle has fallen from 63 days in 2003 (a peak of 87) to zero today.
  • This was almost entirely achieved by payable days doubling from 60 to 120.
  • In short the company is squeezing suppliers.
  • What happens after Covid? This excellent blog post addresses this and other impacts.

Football Clubs

  • Interesting report from KPMG on valuation of football clubs.
  • There are actually several listed football clubs – Manchester United, AS Roma, Juventus, Borussia Dortmund, Celtic, Lazio to name a few.
  • Attached is an interesting table showing operating revenue evolution as well as how the revenue split between matchday, broadcasting and commercial has evolved.

Netflix Accounting

  • A good article on accounting at Netflix.
  • In short, it analyses content amortisation accounting and shows that this line item is being understated, boosting earnings.
  • A staggering stat is that Netflix content spend went from $2bn in 2011 to nearly $14bn last year.
  • This might not be relevant for the share price for now but is still worth knowing about.
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