GPU Semiconductor Content

  • Nice slide from KLA.
  • So I tried just to put together this chart to show how different the GPU package is between 2015 & 2024. So of course, the B100 chip, the GPU introduced a few months ago, and this is not enough because Jensen has already introduced the next generation of GPU last week” (h/t The Transcript).

Dominating Google

  • These 16 companies dominate Google search results. Odds are you haven’t heard of any of them.
  • Across 10,000 terms where affiliates are ranking, which cover products in every niche you can think of (home, beauty, tech, automotive, cooking, travel, sports, education and many more), these 16 companies ranked on the first page of 8,574 (or 85%) of them.
  • Detailed write-up here.

Altman’s $7 Trillion

  • Back-of-the-envelope analysis of why Altman wants this sum to build semiconductor capacity and why it isn’t such a crazy number.
  • It’s a useful reminder of what it will take for AI to scale in the coming years.
  • The article also links some more serious analysis of the trend in the cost of training AI (like this).

Semiconductor Manufacturing

  • Interesting analysis on staying competitive in semiconductor manufacturing.
  • The dotted black lines toward the bottom show the estimated cost of building a leading edge fab (the lower line) and a line showing double that number (the upper line). Our thesis is that companies whose annual revenue fall between those two lines are at risk of falling off the Moore’s Law treadmill.
  • TSMC came close once. Samsung looks close now (though this doesn’t include the rest of the group subsidising the fab). It also shows that Intel’s plans to offer fab services need to succeed.
  • Source.

Google Circle to Search

  • Gemini, Google’s AI model that runs on a phone, is coming to the latest Samsung flagship phone.
  • One cool feature is this.
  • Interesting corollary from Ben Evan’s “the most interesting thing is a new Google feature called ‘circle to search’. You can use your finger to draw a circle around anything on your Android phone screen, in any app, and Google will do a text or image search. So, you can circle a hat in a Tiktok and Google will tell you where to buy it. It occurred to me a while ago that screenshots are the native file format of smartphones, but they lose context. But what if the OS knows what’s on the screen, in every app? Screen-scraping is the new API…
  • Source: Ben Evans.
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