Debt and Crises

  • This chart shows government debt to GDP of the G7 countries.
  • It has been rising steadily and could close in on a record.
  • Charted against this is the percentage of countries that have seen a financial shock over any 12 month period.
  • Interesting to see that financial crises are more frequent in the post-Bretton Woods era, which coincided with rising debt.

Stimulus vs. Covid

  • Interesting chart from Jefferies on the US Economy.
  • They crunched the numbers and found that, because of various bits of stimulus more than offsetting falls in compensation, personal income has actually surged in April.
  • Stimulus is of course front-end loaded and, unless extended, this picture likely fades with time.
  • Nevertheless, it is very interesting to see how strong its impact has been.

Mastercard Spend Data

  • Mastercard have updated spending data for the week ending May 7th.
  • Pictured are cross-border volumes.
  • Card not-present (i.e. physically) non-travel continues to grow strongly.
  • Card present growth has bottomed and seeing a bit of improvement due to intra-Europe travel.
  • Looking within borders. US Switched volumes are now -6% YoY from mid -20%s in April.
  • Rest of world also seeing a bit of improvement from -33% at worst point to -19% now.
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