Flash GDP Estimates are Always too Pessimistic

  • As you can see, with the notable exception of 2020 — which was, well, an unusual year — initial estimates of global growth have been consistently too pessimistic, and final revisions have on average pushed up GDP growth by 0.55 percentage points a year in the 12 years to 2021.
  • Source: FT.

State Level Data as a Recession Indicator

  • Conveniently, the Philly Fed publishes monthly coincident indicators for each state. Aggregating the 50 signals into a composite index provides a somewhat different view of the US business cycle vs. traditional top-down metrics.
  • The current signal is issuing a warning.
  • Source.

Jobless Claims about to Rise?

  • Jobless claims “are still very low by historical standards. We expect that to change soon. The WARN numbers, capturing advance notice of plant closures and mass layoffs, have jumped recently and point to initial claims rising significantly over the next few months ..”
  • Source: Pantheon Macro via Carl.

What Causes Recessions

  • Useful table studying recessions from this year’s DB Long Term Asset Return Study.
  • 79% of US recessions over the last 170 years have seen the central bank policy rate rise at least 1.5pp over a rolling 12-month period within 3 years prior to a recession. It’s 65% if you use 2.5pp of hikes over a rolling 24-month period. So most US recessions are preceded by tighter monetary policy“.
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